Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pisces Horoscope

Dear Pisces, adventure has entered your spiritual stars. Maybe it will lead you to a guru in Indian or a sacred vine of the Amazon. Either way the starts are a grail in which the journey not the outcome is the true mystery. So be ready to pack your bags, travel may be in your stars.

Aquarius Horoscope

The stars indulge foolishness only when they see fit, and they have had about enough of that with you, adventurous Scorpio. You have once again hung on too long and hit pavement when you fell. Be careful you don't let your damaged ego get in the way of your healing process.

Capricorn Horoscope

Dear Capricorn, you're on your way again, one foot in front of the other. You're a bit stiff but the healing should have gone well, and this is just stretching the muscles again. Bright stars are in your future as long as you are sure footed and persistent.

Sagittarius Horoscope

Health is wealth and the stars shine on those that know this. Yoga is usually a perfect regimen for dear Sagittarius because it exercises the mind and body at the same time. There is still no romance in your stars, but maybe there will be when your body is ready.

Scorpio Horoscope

The planets spell out "fantasy" and dear Scorpio loves the arrangement. If the world allowed you, you would spend your entire life in your fantasies. Today is the day to break that bad habit. Learn to keep your fantasies close but your reality even closer.

Libra Horoscope

Dear Libra, keep your balance, this is where you begin to lose sight of the heavenly bodies and with it your perspective. Under these stars your insecurities show and you never know whether you are asking too little or too much. Don't stress, just petition the aid of someone you trust.